"Eastern Tales" emerged as the final project of Orson Claeys' master's degree at the Royal Conservatory of Brussels. The project is inspired by the compelling melodies of the Middle East, influenced by esteemed artists such as Dhafer Youssef and Anouar Brahem, but also by the innovative style of contemporary jazz icons such as Aaron Parks, Brad Mehldau and Ambrose Akinmusire. Claeys set out to find a way to fuse these different musical traditions into one harmonious expression.
As a result, the fusion of these different musical landscapes offers listeners a captivating and immersive musical journey. "Eastern Tales" invites audiences to join it on a journey through Claeys' personal experiences, emotions and artistic identity, merging stories that transcend cultural boundaries and address universal themes.
Orson Claeys
Gionata Giardina -
Pierre-Antoine Savoyat -
Akram Ben Romdha - Oud
BIO: Orson Claeys is a 25-year-old musician and composer from Ghent, Belgium.
"I was always interested in music. Although I don't come from a musical family, it played an important role. My parents had a large collection of cassettes, CD’s and vinyls. A wide variety of music was played in the house, from Hip-Hop to Jazz and from Classical music to Rock.
Claeys began playing piano at the age of 10. He decided to continue in this direction and went to art school to further pursue his passion. However, it wasn't until the age of seventeen, when he discovered the melodies of Herbie Hancock, that Claeys changed his musical course forever. Inspired by these new sounds, he decided to discover the world of Jazz. Two years later he was admitted to the Royal Conservatory of Brussels where he studied with recognized artists Diederik Wissels and Nathalie Loriers. Orson Claeys combines Jazz with Oriental music and hip-hop. Weaving together different cultural influences and musical genres, he creates compositions that take the listener on a journey through a rich tapestry of sounds and emotions.
Influenced by renowned musicians such as Aaron Parks, Ambrose Akinmusire, Shai Maestro and Dhafer Youssef, Claeys is constantly searching for his own unique sound within contemporary jazz.
extra INFO: Orson Claeys is het pas afgestudeerde wünderkind van de Gentse jazz scene, al was die uitkomst niet in de sterren geschreven. Claeys die in een niet-muzikale familie opgroeide, vond op eigen houtje zijn weg naar een brede waaier aan vormende genres als hip-hop, rock en jazz.
Gebeten door het pianovirus, sloot Claeys zich aan bij de kunstacademie, waar zijn muzikale ontdekkingsreis pas echt begon. De ultieme eye-opener kwam er op 17-jarige leeftijd toen Claeys in aanraking kwam met het werk van de legendarisch jazz- en funkpianist Herbie Hancock.
Aan het Koninklijk Conservatorium kreeg Claeys de kans om zich onder te dompelen in zijn zielsgenre. Onder begeleiding van gerenommeerde artiesten als Nathalie Loriers en Diederik Wissels krijg hij er de kans om zijn eigen sound te ontwikkelen die jazz vlotjes combineert met oriëntaalse muziek en hiphop. Hij leerde er verschillende culturele invloeden en muzikale genres te verweven tot een rijk tapijt van geluiden en emoties.
"Written by Democrazy for All Tings Sdban »
Pierre-Antoine Savoyat (Blazer - Trompet) Jim Monneau (Bas - Double Bass) Akram Ben Romdhane (Oud) Gionata Giardina (Drum) Orson Claeys (Toetsen)
Rue Picard 3, Molenbeek-Saint-Jean, Belgique
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