"Eastern Tales" emerged as the final project of Orson Claeys' master's degree at the Royal Conservatory of Brussels. The project is inspired by the compelling melodies of the Middle East, influenced by esteemed artists such as Dhafer Youssef and Anouar Brahem, but also by the innovative style of contemporary jazz icons such as Aaron Parks, Brad Mehldau and Ambrose Akinmusire. Claeys set out to find a way to fuse these different musical traditions into one harmonious expression.
As a result, the fusion of these different musical landscapes offers listeners a captivating and immersive musical journey. "Eastern Tales" invites audiences to join it on a journey through Claeys' personal experiences, emotions and artistic identity, merging stories that transcend cultural boundaries and address universal themes.
Orson Claeys - Toetsen
Gionata Giardina - Drum
Emanuel Van Mieghem - Bass
Pierre-Antoine Savoyat - Trompet
Akram Ben Romdha - Oud
Rue Picard 3, Bruxelles, Belgique
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